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Eagle Hunting display show

Eagle Hunting display show

Eagle Hunting display show

Eagle Hunting display show
Demonstration of hunting with an eagle in Kyrgyzstan
Eagle Hunting show 1-2 hours
Multi-day eagle hunting in the wild
180 euro for the group
100 euro per day
Meet the "Eagle man" with display of hunting techniques
Ishembek, a 60-year-old eagle trainer, lives in Kaji Say. His eagles weigh up to 18kg. As chicks, eagles are taught to recognise the trainer as their parent, then trained to hunt in the mountains and on the steppes – a traditional Kyrgyz practice still in use today.
Price includes:
• Talk with eagle trainer (how eagles and falcons are caught, trained, cared for etc)
• Services of interpreter
• Handling of the eagle, 9-year-old golden eagle.
• Length of visit (up to 2 hours, at eagle man home) guest’s decision
Display of hunting techniques includes:
• 1 hour in Kadjy Say valley or in surroundings with real rabbit or fake rabbit (this is up to guest to prefer)
• Services of interpreter
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